We were thrilled to recently travel to PERU to shoot an episode of The Wine Ladies TV, our reality show about our adventures in wine, food and travel! We explored the gastronomy of Peru, restaurants, wineries, the fishing, travel to Machu Picchu, the history, making and enjoyment of Peru’s signature drink Pisco, organic coffee, organic cacao, the culture, gold, Peruvian alpaca, cotton and general points of interest.
Where there is drink there is food, and Peru is widely known as the gastronomic capital of the Americas by many a chef around the world. Each and every meal was a celebration of freshness and of fusion. Peru’s cuisine is a blend of several cultures that speak to its history. From the traditional cuisine of the Indians, to that of the Spanish conquerors, the influx of Japanese and Chinese. And with the diversity of the landscape from the coastal region with a selection of over 2,000 fish to choose from, and the Andean highlands the purple, red, yellow “chocla” corn, with 3,000 kinds of potatoes the possibilities are endless!
Our adventures were not restricted to our dietary pleasures alone… as there were numerous moments of “participAction” as well! Riding the “Paso horses” for example at the stunning traditional yet extremely innovative Bodegas Carevedo founded in 1884. Following our delicate dismount we learn from the passionate and charismatic co-owner and master distiller Johnny Schuler of the history and breeding of these particular horses, and how they related to the history of Pisco.
At Bodegas El Sarcay, another award winning Pisco producer, hawks are trained here to keep the smaller birds at bay and away from the vineyards. We are hypnotized by the majesty of the hawks and a gloriously bedazzling eagle as they fly to our extended arms piece of meat in hand.
Finally Machu Picchu, one of the wonders of the world… Arresting, transformational and powerful with take-your-breath-away beauty. Truly no words can adequately describe how you feel standing in the immense presence of what is Machu Picchu! An ancient civilization, a city in the sky, a wonder of the world!
More on The Wine Ladies ‘Magical’ trip to Peru can be found at http://www.thewineladies.com.