It was 1984 when Bill Taylor, an avid boater, recognized a need for a publication to bring the thrill of pleasure boating to Canadian enthusiasts.
With the input of a boating advisory group, Bill created Power Boating Ontario and began extensive promotion of the sport at boat shows across the country. The response was immediate and overwhelming. It was only a short time later when elite members of the boating industry implored Bill to take Power Boating Ontario to a truly national level.
Within a year, Power Boating Canada surfaced on newsstands coast-to-coast and became one of the most successful powerboat magazine launches in the country, followed by its equally popular French-language sister publication, Les Plaisanciers, based in Montreal, Quebec. Power Boating Canada, along with Les Plaisanciers, has evolved into the most prominent boating publications in the country. By delivering a high-impact editorial package, including extensive boat tests, exciting destination stories, and technical how-to articles, both publications have taken leadership roles in promoting all aspects of the boating lifestyle.